Buckets of Parquet Files are Awful
From the "not my job" department
From the "not my job" department
Scratch Data lets you do realtime analytics with DuckDB
Scratch Data lets you push and pull data to your customers' warehouse.
Scratch Data now integrates with BigQuery and Redshift
We found a bug when doing non-blocking IO in Go. Here's our workaround.
Scratch Data helps Juniper enrich their CRM
Scratch Data powers Bilanc's financial engine
How to use an analytics database to build a ledger that can handle millions of rows.
How we're bringing PostgREST's ease of use to other databases
Scratch Data lets you safely turn analytics database into a realtime API
We used mkfifo to turn DuckDB into a RESTful API
Scratch Data Enhances Embeddables' Query Speed and Data Management
How to denormalize JSON to make it SQL-friendly
How to use Stripe webhooks to ingest activity to a database
How to use Shopify webhooks to ingest activity to a database
How we do rolling, zero-downtime deploys to Hetzner Cloud
How to save form submissions to Clickhouse
How to send logs from Fly.io into Clickhouse and query them with SQL
How to use Clickhouse's built-in backup functionality to backup and restore data to S3